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Tribute and Memorial Gifts

Tribute and Memorial GiftsTribute and Memorial Gifts are a wonderful way to honor or remember your loved ones, while sharing your compassion for New Yorkers who are homeless or hungry. Your gift provides meals, shelter and long-term recovery for adults; or mentoring, educational opportunities and summer camp for city children.

You can make your tribute or memorial gift in two ways:

The Bowery Mission
Murray Hill Station
PO BOX 2000
New York, NY 10156-2000

You can choose to request a tribute card to be mailed after your gift is processed. Please note we do not include in this card the amount of your gift, only that we have received it.

If you have any questions, please call us at 1-800-BOWERY-1, ext. 532 (1-800-269-3791, ext. 532) or email us at [email protected].

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