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News & Updates:
Tag: Transformation

See the latest from The Bowery Mission, including updates from our leadership, stories of life transformation and program news from inside our Red Doors.

You can also find media mentions of The Bowery Mission at our In the News page.

Andre’s hope story: “God began to change me”

Andre found help and hope in our Residential Program. After graduating, he’s experiencing new life. For many years, Andre struggled with depression, anger and heavy smoking. He felt challenged moving forward with his life. Hoping for a fresh start, Andre moved to New York City — but he soon became homeless. Hear from Andre how […]

Graduation 2022: Celebrating life transformation

Congratulations to the men and women in our community for their amazing accomplishments this past year in their journeys toward independence. We recently gathered for our annual Graduation to celebrate our program clients — now graduates! — who have made significant breakthroughs in their goals toward thriving and independence. The Bowery Mission’s staff and supporters […]

A legacy of love: Looking back 150 years

In 2022, The Bowery Mission is celebrating 150 years of mission work to our neighbors experiencing homelessness and hunger in New York City — a legacy of loving well. New York City has changed all around us. But the Mission is still here and committed to the same vision we had back in the beginning. […]

Graduation 2021: Celebrating life transformation

Learn more about the men and women who have achieved great milestones this past year in their journeys towards independence. At our recent Graduation ceremonies, we celebrated 52 men and women from our Residential Programs who have achieved great milestones in their journeys towards independent living! Because of friends like you, these graduates were able […]

Celebrating the women in our community

For International Women’s Day, we are reflecting on the amazing impact of the women in our lives Every day at The Bowery Mission, we have the privilege of walking with women overcoming adversity of all kinds. Many come to us from traumatic situations, such as homelessness, abuse, addiction, exploitation and loss. And during this pandemic, […]

Wilmon’s hope story: A second chance

Wilmon went from feeling miserable and isolated on the streets to encouraged and cared for at The Bowery Mission. It was December when Wilmon arrived in New York City. He had been living in South Carolina, but needed to leave quickly after narrowly escaping a search warrant. “I used to drive for drug dealers, delivering […]

The 15th annual Women’s Graduation

Despite these uncertain times, we wanted to keep our tradition of celebrating the women in our community who have made significant progress in their goals of growth towards independence. On September 28, 2020, The Bowery Mission came together to celebrate online and through socially distant gatherings at our residential program campuses. We have been amazed […]

Working through the hardship

Thanks for giving Ken a helping hand In these times of uncertainty, we’ve all been searching for purpose. But Ken knows he is here for a reason. He has survived three heart attacks, been hit by a car four times and survived a near-drowning. He’s even endured homelessness after losing a job, an experience he […]